As requested (thanks for all the lovely comments on FB) here are photos of the winners and their beautiful gardens!

First Prize - Fiona Warner
Second Prize - Moira Marshall
Third Prize - Myrna Venters
Special Commendation Medals were awarded to the gardens below for creating gardens that enhanced the local community.
Inverkeithing Garden Competition 2021
Inverkeithing Trust organised a local Garden Competition this summer. During lockdown lots of us have been spending even more time in our gardens and we decided it was time they were shown off.
Many enthusiasts were heart-broken a few years ago when the Fife Council competition stopped, so the Trust was keen to revive the event to celebrate all the lovely gardens in the Burgh.
The Competition was open to all Inverkeithing residents. We had fourteen entries from all around the town and all types of garden were entered - from a small patio with pots to a veg garden and from ‘homely’ to grand gardens. Members of Inverkeithing Community Garden and Inverflora did an amazing job judging such a variety.
The prize giving was held in the Masonic Lodge on Saturday 7th August, (very entertainingly MC’d by Shona Reppe) and prizes awarded by John Lessels. Ewan McCormick of the Community Garden led the judging group. As he said in his summing up, the one thing that was evident across the range of gardens entered was the love and care invested in these special spaces.
The overall winners were 1st Fiona Warner, 2nd Moira Marshall and 3rd Myrna Venters. Congratulations ladies! Special commendation medals were awarded to Margaret Bainbridge, John Kane, Harry Cubitt and Tony Kerr for creating gardens that enhanced the local community in some way.
We also had a 'Garden on a Plate' competition for children aged 12 years and under using whatever materials they liked. Stella Wiltshire won 1st prize with an exquisite Lego garden.
This competition couldn’t have happened without local organisations and businesses stepping up to help. Big thank you for the prizes to:
Tracy at Inverkeithing Trophy Centre for 2nd and 3rd Cups
The Plant Market for Gift Vouchers
Millbarista and Robert Dey Heating Engineers for Vouchers
and special mention to Ian Shepherd for finding our winner's cup!
Thank you to Inverkeithing Community Garden and Inverflora for doing a wonderful job as judges. Ann Murray, Chris Wheeldon, Ian Shepherd, Ian Walker and Ewan McCormack - it couldn’t have happened without you. And thanks to John Lessels for awarding the prizes and to Bill Galloway and the Masonic Lodge for opening their doors to us at the last minute as rain and thunder threatened to wash us away.
Thanks to Brooklyn for piping us in - Brooklyn’s piping transforms a gathering into an event and thanks to Karen at Millbarista for the tasty snack packs.
Finally, last but not least, thanks to Rosie from Inverkeithing Trust who organised the Garden Competition with amazing precision and of course thanks to everyone who entered our new Inverkeithing Garden Competition this year - you are pioneers! SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR!
Inverkeithing Trust organised a local Garden Competition this summer. During lockdown lots of us have been spending even more time in our gardens and we decided it was time they were shown off.
Many enthusiasts were heart-broken a few years ago when the Fife Council competition stopped, so the Trust was keen to revive the event to celebrate all the lovely gardens in the Burgh.
The Competition was open to all Inverkeithing residents. We had fourteen entries from all around the town and all types of garden were entered - from a small patio with pots to a veg garden and from ‘homely’ to grand gardens. Members of Inverkeithing Community Garden and Inverflora did an amazing job judging such a variety.
The prize giving was held in the Masonic Lodge on Saturday 7th August, (very entertainingly MC’d by Shona Reppe) and prizes awarded by John Lessels. Ewan McCormick of the Community Garden led the judging group. As he said in his summing up, the one thing that was evident across the range of gardens entered was the love and care invested in these special spaces.
The overall winners were 1st Fiona Warner, 2nd Moira Marshall and 3rd Myrna Venters. Congratulations ladies! Special commendation medals were awarded to Margaret Bainbridge, John Kane, Harry Cubitt and Tony Kerr for creating gardens that enhanced the local community in some way.
We also had a 'Garden on a Plate' competition for children aged 12 years and under using whatever materials they liked. Stella Wiltshire won 1st prize with an exquisite Lego garden.
This competition couldn’t have happened without local organisations and businesses stepping up to help. Big thank you for the prizes to:
Tracy at Inverkeithing Trophy Centre for 2nd and 3rd Cups
The Plant Market for Gift Vouchers
Millbarista and Robert Dey Heating Engineers for Vouchers
and special mention to Ian Shepherd for finding our winner's cup!
Thank you to Inverkeithing Community Garden and Inverflora for doing a wonderful job as judges. Ann Murray, Chris Wheeldon, Ian Shepherd, Ian Walker and Ewan McCormack - it couldn’t have happened without you. And thanks to John Lessels for awarding the prizes and to Bill Galloway and the Masonic Lodge for opening their doors to us at the last minute as rain and thunder threatened to wash us away.
Thanks to Brooklyn for piping us in - Brooklyn’s piping transforms a gathering into an event and thanks to Karen at Millbarista for the tasty snack packs.
Finally, last but not least, thanks to Rosie from Inverkeithing Trust who organised the Garden Competition with amazing precision and of course thanks to everyone who entered our new Inverkeithing Garden Competition this year - you are pioneers! SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR!